Workshop on Optimisation Topics in Australia: WOTA@Waterfront 2022: Registration is now open

You are invited to attend WOTA@Waterfront 2022

Dates: 12-13 October 2022.

Place: Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, 1 Gheringhap St, Geelong VIC 3220.


Julien Ugon (Deakin University)

Nadezda Sukhorukova (Swinburne University)

Reinier Diaz Millan (Deakin University) (Local)

Vinesha Peiris (Deakin University)

Workshop details and Registration click here

We are looking forward to seeing to soon!!!

Optimisation talks at UNSW: Vinesha Peiris and Didier Aussel

August is a busy month for UNSW’s optimisation group: there will be three talks given by visitors at the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

11 August 2022: Dr Vinesha Peiris (Deakin University), Rational Approximation in EEG signal classification

Speaker: Vinesha Peiris (Deakin University)
Date: 11/08/22, 11am
Rational approximation and its application in EEG signal classification

Rational approximation (that is, approximation by a ratio of two polynomials) is a flexible alternative to polynomial approximation. In particular, rational functions exhibit accurate estimations to nonsmooth and non-Lipschitz functions, where polynomial approximations are not efficient. In this talk, we discuss the quasiconvexity property of the optimisation problems appearing in univariate rational Chebyshev approximation and its generalisation to a ratio of linear combinations of basis functions. This fact can be used in the development of computational methods. Then we apply our approximation as a preprocessing step to classify EEG signals and demonstrate that the classification accuracy is significantly improved compared to the classification of the raw signals.

This is a hybrid talk, delivered in-person in RC-4082 and online on Zoom with the following link and passcode.

Passcode: 704577

The talk is part of the Applied Mathematics Seminar Series at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney. We are grateful to the seminar coordinator Dr Michael Watson for organising this event.

19 August 2022: Prof. Didier Aussel (University of Perpignan), Recent advances bilevel optimization with several players: multi-leader-follower games.

Speaker: Didier Aussel (University of Perpignan)
Date: Friday 19 August 2022, 11am AEST (Sydney time)
Title: Recent Advances in Bilevel Optimization with Several Players: Multi-Leader-Follower Games

Multi-Leader-Follower games are perfect mathematical tools for the modelling of agents interactions on a market in which some of the agents have some leading position while a set of the other agents are competing in a non cooperative way. These models are known for decades but recent advances opened the door to new developments and applications. Motivated by applications in energy management the aim of this seminar will be to consider modern approaches of well-posedness, first order reformulation and existence results for Multi-Leader-Follower games.

This is a hybrid talk, delivered in-person in RC-4082 and online on Zoom with the following link and passcode.

Zoom Link:
Passcode: 843637

The talk is part of the Applied Mathematics Seminar Series at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney. We are grateful to the seminar coordinator Dr Michael Watson for organising this event.

24 August 2022: Prof. Didier Aussel (University of Perpignan), Quasiconvex nonsmooth optimization through the normal approach

Speaker: Didier Aussel (University of Perpignan)
Date: Wednesday 24 August 2022, 11am AEST (Sydney time)
Title: Quasiconvex nonsmooth optimization through the normal approach

Location: Hybrid in RC-4082 and via zoom. Please contact Hongzhi Liao ( for the zoom link.

The talk is part of the Convex Geometry Reading Group Series at UNSW Sydney. More info:

PhD scholarship in applied mathematics – Curtin University, school of Elec Eng, Comp and Math Sci.

The annual scholarship package (stipend and tuition fees) is approx. $60,000 – $70,000 p.a.

Successful HDR applicants for admission will receive a 100% fee offset for up to 4 years, stipend scholarships, valued at approx. $28,800 p.a. for up to a maximum of 3.5 years, are determined via a competitive selection process. Applicants will be notified of the scholarship outcome in November 2022. 

For more details please refer to Curtin Scholarships

To enquire about this project opportunity that includes a scholarship application, contact Dr Honglei Xu, email

WOMBAT 2022 Registration now open

Registration is now open for the next Workshop on Optimisation, Metric Bounds, Approximation and Transversality (WoMBaT2022). The event will be held 13–15 (+16) December 2022 in beautiful Perth, Western Australia. Support for students and carers is also available, and applications are open for that as well.

This iteration of wombat will be hosted at Curtin University by Curtin Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science. The event is expected to take place as an entirely in-person event.

In addition, this year WOMBAT in collaboration with ARC Training Centre for Transforming Maintenance through Data Science, will host a special day (16th December 2022) focused on the applications of optimization on planning and scheduling maintenance in the resource industry. We are very excited for this special event!

Register now! We look forward to welcoming you to Perth!

On behalf of the local organizing committee

Dr. Hoa T. Bui, Curtin Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science
Dr. Scott B. Lindstrom, Curtin Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science

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