Fully funded PhD position in numerical optimisation (University of Sydney)

Applications are now open for 1 fully-funded PhD position (3 years) in numerical optimisation, working with Dr Lindon Roberts at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney. This project is to work on the development, analysis and implementation of algorithms for derivative-free optimisation problems. There are no nationality restrictions on the position. Students with a strong honours (first class or upper second class) or a master’s degree in mathematics or a related field are encouraged to apply.

This scholarship is funded by the Australian Research Council project “Robust Derivative-Free Algorithms for Complex Optimisation Problems”.

Applications close on Monday 5 February, with a view to starting the project in March 2024. For more details see


Contact: lindon.roberts@sydney.edu.au

The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne: Two Positions

The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne is seeking to expand its expertise in mathematical and statistical data science The successful applicant is expected to develop and maintain a high-level research program in an area of mathematics or statistics with a focus on data science theory, methodology and/or applications. The School seeks a profile which complements its existing data science strengths in aspects of pure and applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning, optimisation and operations research, geometry of deep learning, biostatistics and genomics.

For further details on the positions, visit:

SigmaOpt, the optimisation special interest group of ANZIAM, is holding a one-day workshop in
Adelaide City on the day after the 2024 ANZIAM Conference (in Adelaide Hills). The workshop
will feature talks from five invited speakers as well as the Winner of the Student Best Paper Prize.
Important Information:

  • When: Friday February 16, 2024.
  • Where: Room RR5-09 at the City West Campus of UniSA.
  • Invited Speakers:
    – Kate Helmstedt (QUT)
    – Yalcin Kaya (UniSA)
    – Vicky Mak (Deakin)
    – Lindon Roberts (USyd)
    – Golbon Zakeri (UMas Amherst, USA)
    – The Winner of the Student Best Paper Prize (TBA) – see call below
  • Registration: $50 (includes catering) using the link below.
    SigmaOpt/MoCaO Student Best Paper Prize: SigmaOpt and MoCaO call for nominations
    for the joint SigmaOpt/MoCaO Student Best Paper Prize for an exceptional paper in the field of
    mathematical optimisation, optimal control, operations research or related field published in the
    last 18 months. The winner of this prize will be awarded $300 and invited to present the paper at
    the one-day workshop. For information on submitting a nomination, visit:
  • For more information, please refer to the link.

A reminder to register for the joint WOMBAT/WICO workshops

Dear all,

A reminder to register for the joint WOMBAT/WICO workshops on optimisation and computational mathematics, to be held from 11-15 December 2023 at the University of Sydney (in-person). Registration is free and closes on 31 October. Some travel support for students is available.

For more details (including the registration form), see the event website: https://wombat.mocao.org/

On behalf of the organising committee:

Mareike Dressler, Nam Ho-Nguyen, Quoc Le Gia, Dmytro Matsypura, Lindon Roberts

The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for a tenure‐track position in Artificial Intelligence in its broadest sense.

A new position will be open at the Department of AI (former Department of Machine Learning). The Department priority areas are

  • various areas of machine learning and neural networks,
  • mathematical theory and design,
  • study of learning algorithms.

For more information, please refer to the following website.


YouTube Channel update

The link to our YouTube channel was updated (main menu).

The channel contains the following Playlists:

MoCaO lecture series (2023 and 2022)

WOMBAT (2020 and 2021)

VAOpt Webinar (Seasons 1-4).

Social media manager

Dear MoCaO member.

I would like to use this opportunity to formally introduce Lien Nguyen who is now MoCaO Social media manager. Liem is a PhD student at RMIT, she is also looking after MoCaO YouTube channel.

Welcome, Lien and thank you for your excellent work.


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