Tenure track position in optimisation, University of Chile

The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of Chile is offering a tenure track position in Mathematics, starting preferably in March 2017. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment, and preferably not before January 2008. Candidates are required to have a doctoral degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, operations research or a related field, and to be active in research in subjects related to the optimization and equilibrium area at DIM, see: http://www.dim.uchile.cl/mathematical-engineering-department/110764/research.

Our department is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty; in particular, female candidates or candidates from minority groups are encouraged to apply.

Candidates are expected to present evidence of an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Duties include a moderate teaching load of five (5) one semester courses every two years at an undergraduate or graduate level. The official language for teaching is Spanish.

Applications should be submitted via email to search.committee2016@dim.uchile.cl and consist of the following documents (in PDF): curriculum vitae (in English or Spanish), a research statement (in English) including a selection of the three (3) most relevant publications and an outline of future research, and a teaching statement. Reception of applications will be acknowledged by email.

Applicants should also ensure that three (3) recommendation letters by senior researchers reach the committee. These letters are to be sent by email to search.committee2016@dim.uchile.cl, mentioning as subject: Recommendation Letter for (name of the candidate). To ensure full consideration, all documents and recommendation letters should be received no later than December 4th, 2016.


Additional Salary Information: Salary depends on the qualifications of the chosen candidate. At the level of Assistant Professor, the basic remuneration is approximately US$ 65.000 (before taxes and at current exchange rates). This salary does not include potential grants or research contracts. Members of the Department of Mathematical Engineering have access to a basal annual support for their research activities, of the order of US$ 10.000, including travel expenses and research collaborations.

Jonathan Borwein

It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Jonathan Michael Borwein, a seminal figure in Australian (and world) mathematical community, and the current co-chair of MoCaO. Jon Borwein was instrumental in establishing MoCaO and had a vision to bring together the computational and optimisation communities in Australia to enrich the activities of both. Hence the existence of MoCaO is a testament to Jon’s visionary leadership. Dozens of colleagues and friends are shocked and saddened with his passing. There will be many testaments to Jon’s mathematical influence and his extensive contribution to so many fields that will be published in the coming decades.
His friends and collaborators will continue to remember his frank guidance, enthusiasm and wit. Jon will be greatly missed by all of those who had the gift to share time with him.

We would like to extend our condolences to Jon’s family and to his wife Judy for their loss.

Special session “Mathematical and Computational Optimisation” in 60th AustMS meeting

Dear Colleagues,

The 60th annual meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society will be held by the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University from the 5–8 December 2016. A website for the conference is available at:


It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the special session “Mathematical and Computational Optimisation” and hope that you will agree to present a 20-minutes’ talk.

This special session will focus on new mathematical and computational developments and their applications in continuous and discrete optimisation, as well as in optimal control and calculus of variations.

Our special session’s field aligns with that of the recently created special interest group, Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation (MoCaO) https://mocao.mathsig.org.

Hence, if you are a member of MoCaO, please consider presenting at our special session!

Please do encourage participation of your postdocs and doctoral students at our special session. Student members of AustMS who are giving a conference talk at the meeting may be eligible for a travel costs subsidy. An online form for claiming travel expenses is available at the link


Please let us know your interest by September 1st, 2016.

Best regards, and looking forward to meeting you at our special session

Regina Burachik

Jeya Jeyakumar

Guoyin Li (primary contact)

(Session organisers)

Posted on behalf of Regina Burachik

The 7th Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation

The 7th Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation will be held at UNSW in Sydney, Australia, on February 13–17, 2017. See the website


The High-Dimensional Approximation (HDA) Workshop is a series of biennial international meetings covering current research on all numerical aspects of high-dimensional problems. This seventh workshop will be held at UNSW in Sydney (HDA2017), with participants again welcomed from all around the world.

The scope of the seventh workshop ranges from high-dimensional approximation theory over computational methods to engineering and scientific applications. Topics include, but are not limited to,

  • Sparse grid methods
  • Quasi-Monte Carlo methods
  • Tensor decompositions
  • Polynomial chaos expansions
  • Sparse approximations
  • Reduced basis methods
  • Multi-level methods
  • Bayesian inversion
  • Uncertainty quantification

Participation is open to all interested in high-dimensional computational mathematics and science.

A key feature of this workshop is that there are no parallel sessions and generally all talks will be of equal length. Participants are welcome to present work in progress and there will be time set aside for informal discussions. The number of talks will be limited. It is not essential that everyone gives a talk. Collaborators are encouraged to coordinate and elect a representative to present joint work.

In this workshop we will honour and celebrate the 65th birthday of Professor Markus Hegland. Markus is a founding member of the HDA workshop series. He is also a well respected leader in computational mathematics and optimization in Australia. We hope to take this opportunity to engage the HDA global community with other computational mathematics groups in Australia.

To assist us with planning, please go to the website at your earliest convenience to register especially if you are interested in giving a talk. Travel, visa and accommodation information is already available. More information about registration fee payment and abstract submission will be available on the website later in the year.

We look forward to welcoming you in Sydney!

Josef Dick, Frances Kuo, Dirk Nuyens
HDA2017 Organizers hda2017@unsw.edu.au

Download the poster

AustMS Special Session – Computational Mathematics (First Call)

Dear Colleagues,

The 60th annual meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society will be held by the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University from the 5–8 December 2016. A website for the conference is available at:


It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the special session “Computational Mathematics” and hope that you will agree to present a 20-minutes’ talk. The focus of this special session will be on numerical analysis and approximation theory and includes numerical techniques for partial differential equations, inverse problems and regularisation and parallel numerical algorithms.

This year it will be 10 years since the joint minisymposium on computational mathematics and optimisation (Macquarie University 2006) and one year since the establishment of the AustMS special interest group in mathematics of computation and optimisation (MoCaO). Corresponding to the two core focus areas of MoCaO we do have two special sessions as we did since 2007:

* Mathematics of Computation: special session in Computational Mathematics
* Mathematics of Optimisation: special session in Mathematical and Computational Optimisation

We encourage members of MoCaO to participate in these two sessions! AMSI support for student members is available, see

For more information about MoCaO see

Best regards, and looking forward to meeting you at our special session

Linda Stals
Steve Roberts
Qinian Jin
Markus Hegland

Re-posted on behalf of Markus Hegland

The Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC) 2016

The Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC) 2016 will be held at Monash University, Caulfield Campus from the 27-30 November 2016. Our aim is to conduct a high quality conference on computational mathematics; scientific, technical, and industrial applications; and high performance computing.

The plenary speakers for CTAC16 will be:
Bernd Brugmann, Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena
Regina Burachik, University of South Australia
Alys Clark, University of Auckland
Josef Dick, University of New South Wales
Bishnu Lamichhane, University of Newcastle
Scott MacLachlan, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Bijan Mohammadi, University of Montpelier
Murray Rudman, Monash University

CTAC is organised by the special interest group in computational techniques and applications of ANZIAM, the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Division of the Australian Mathematical Society. The meetings provide an interactive forum for researchers interested in the development and use of computational methods applied to engineering, scientific and other problems. The CTAC meetings have been taking place biennially since 1981, the most recent being held in 2014 at the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University.

For more information: http://www.monash.edu/ctac2016/

Posted on behalf of Jérôme Droniou

Ph.D. Position in Nonsmooth and Convex Optimization (University of Vienna)

A Ph.D. position in Nonsmooth and Convex Optimization is available at the University of Vienna.

The position is for 3 years, in the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.

The research group is headed by Prof. Radu Ioan Boț and has its core research areas in Nonsmooth and Convex Optimization.

Please see the attachment: 2016-02-24-PhDposition_FWF for further details and deadlines.

EUROPT 2016 Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 14th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization organized by Institute of Control and Computation Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland., July 1­2, 2016 Warsaw. http://www.europt2016.ia.pw.edu.pl/

EUROPT2016 is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies). This is the 14th such workshop and is held in collaboration with the 28th annual EURO conference to be held in Poznań on July 3­6 2016

Talks should be related to continuous optimization theory, algorithms, software or applications.

Plenary speakers confirmed:

Andreas Griewank, Humboldt University, Berlin, Gremany
Jiri Outrata, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Anatoly Zhigljavsky, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Call for Abstracts (max two pages):

Abstracts submission is opened since February 1, 2016. Please sign up at https://www.euro-online.org/conf/europt2016/ to create your EURO account and submit your abstract. All accepted abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts. Please be reminded that the that the Deadline for Abstracts Submission is March 15, 2016.

Selected papers presented at EUROPT2016 will be considered for peer­reviewed publication in a special issue of Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.

Registration will open in due course, with the fees having been set as EUR 200 (Standard) and EUR 150 (PhD students) before May 15 2016.

Afterwards the respective fees will be EUR 270 and EUR 200.

We hope you will want to take this opportunity to visit Warsaw and contribute to advances in continuous optimization.

Andrzej Stachurski and Włodzimierz Ogryczak

Chairs of the Organising and Programme Committees for EUROPT2016

Posted on behalf of Regina Burachik

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