China-Australia Collaboration in Applied Optimization (CACAO)

The new China-Australia Collaboration in Applied Optimization (CACAO) Memorandum of Understanding was launched on 4 December 2017 at Curtin University in Perth with the four participating universities:
  • Federation University Australia
  • Curtin University
  • Shanghai University
  • Chongqing Normal University
CACAO aims to develop a co-operative strategic relationship between the four institutions for the benefit of Australia and China. This includes collaboration on optimisation projects, jointly hosting of international conferences and workshops in applied optimisation, in particular, the biennial China-Australia Workshops on Applied Optimization, supporting the exchange of research staff and students, and fostering friendly relations between the two countries.
In accordance with the agreement, several Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation (CIAO) researchers have visited the School of Mathematical Sciences at Chongqing Normal University (CNU) during March to May 2018 to conduct joint research on optimisation with Chinese colleagues, give seminars for undergraduate and graduate students at CNU in mathematical optimisation and strengthen the links between the two universities. The visits were supported by the School of Mathematical Sciences at CNU.
Dr Musa Mammadov visited CNU from 23 March to 5 April. During the visit, he gave a series of lectures on “Outlier detection methodologies: theory and practice”. A/Prof Adil Baghirov visited CNU from 7 to 26 April. He gave a series of lectures on “Nonsmooth optimization models in machine learning”. A/Prof Alex Kruger visited CNU from 29 April to 10 May. He gave a series lectures on “Extremality and regularity”. Alex Kruger also met with CNU students enrolled in international exchange programs and spoke to them about FedUni and life in Australia.
Prof Zhiyou Wu, Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences, CNU and Prof Fusheng Bai, CNU will visit CIAO in July 2018.
Preparations are currently under way for the 9th Australia-China Workshop on Optimization which will take place in Shanghai, China in 2019.


One day workshop on “Fixed points and Applications” (May, 21)

RMITOpt is taking the opportunity provided by the visit of Professor Hong-Kun, to hold a one day  workshop on “Fixed points and Applications”. Prof. Hong Kun Xu is a distinguished professor  at Hangzhou Dianzi University in Hangzhou, China.

Where: RMIT AGR room – building 8 level 9 room 66 RMIT

Date: Monday 21st of May

Confirmed speakers:
Hong Kun Xu – Hangzhou Dianzi University
Markus Hegland – ANU
Scott Lindstrom – University of Newcastle
Hoa Bui – Federation University
Alex Kruger – Federation University
Janosch Rieger – Monash University
Nadezda Sukhorukova – Swinburne University
Vera Roshchina – RMIT
Andrew Eberhard – RMIT


CIAO Showcase 2018

Each year the Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation (CIAO) holds a showcase and presentations of its research activities for the previous year.  An invitation is extended to the 2018 CIAO Showcase to be held on Thursday 12 April 2018 with presentations to be held in T102 Lecture Theatre from 9.30am and displays in the Airport Lounge in T Building throughout the day.

Professor Leigh Sullivan, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research & Innovation will launch the 2018 CIAO Showcase at 11.00am in the Airport Lounge and all staff and students are welcome to join us for morning tea following the launch and to view the display.

Any queries please contact Helen Wade,

AMSI Optimise, The University of Melbourne, June 18-22


Returning in 2018, AMSI Optimise is an annual networking and research-training event that aims to strengthen mathematical optimisation research engagement and its applications across industry.
This event will comprise a three-day industry-focused conference, followed by a two-day research workshop. The symposium features expert and end-user talks, international guest speakers, collaboration showcases, industry challenge sessions and tutorials.
AMSI Optimise 2018 will be held at The University of Melbourne from 18-22 June with the conference themes of
  • Decision Making Under Uncertainty 
  • Humanitarian Applications
Discounted AMSI Member registration rates are available for staff currently employed at or students currently enrolled at an AMSI Member Institution.


  • Associate Professor Maria Antónia Carravilla
    Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Professor Celso Ribeiro
    Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
  • Professor Emeritus R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
    University of Washington, USA
We are accepting abstracts for the poster session on Day 3 and workshop talks on Days 4 & 5 of the event. Please limit your abstract to approximately 150-200 words and indicate whether you would prefer to submit a poster or present a workshop talk.
Up to $500 in prizes will be awarded to the best posters!


  • Monday 21 May – Abstract submissions close
  • Tuesday 22 May – Workshop travel and CHOOSEMATHS grant applications close
  • Monday 11 June – Registrations close
AMSI Optimise is aimed at:
  • anyone using optimisation, with opportunities to learn more about the current state of the art and to connect with others who have similar interests
  • industry practitioners interested in exploring the benefits of engagement with optimisation research
  • academics and postgraduate students wanting to better understand drivers and needs in this area

5-16 Feb 2018. Algebraic Geometry, Approximation and Optimisation at MATRIX

5-16 Feb 2018. Algebraic Geometry, Approximation and Optimisation at MATRIX

There has been notable success in applying the tools of algebraic geometry to a selection of approximation and optimisation problems. In optimisation, a whole new field of convex algebraic geometry has emerged based on the ideas of semidefinite programming relaxations of polynomial problems pioneered by J.-B. Lasserre. However, some notoriously difficult problems are still open, for instance, the optimisation problems arising from multivariate polynomial approximation, and Smale’s 7th problem, need new approaches that combine approximation, optimisation and algebraic geometry. The work in numerical analysis and approximation has been motivated by the success of low rank matrix approximations based on the matrix singular value decomposition which is related to principal component analysis. Yet, these perspective have seldom been combined into a unified approach, but experts have largely been working in parallel. This workshop aims at bringing together these alternative perspective from all three areas to develop collaborative investigations of these problems.

Algebraic Geometry, Approximation and Optimisation program at the Creswick campus of the University of Melbourne took place 5-16 February 2018 and was co-organised by the Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation, RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology. It included a series of lectures by world leading experts Enrico Carlini (Politecnico di Torino), Anand Rajendra Deopurkar and Markus Hegland (Australian National University), Wolfgang Hackbusch (Max Planck Institute), Ludmila Polyakova (Saint-Petersburg State University) and other intensive group research sessions. A number of CIAO researchers were involved in these sessions which have resulted in extended international research collaboration. There has been very positive feedback from the participants to both the research program and for the facilities at Creswick.

Positions available at the Mathematical Engineering Department of University of Chile

The Mathematical Engineering Department  of University of Chile has opened several academic positions (see details below; there are 2 calls).

-) 2 tenure track positions at DIM, University of Chile

The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of Chile is offering two (2) tenure track positions in Mathematics, starting preferably during the second half of 2018. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment (preferably awarded 2011 onward). Applications in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged, but priority will be given to those candidates whose research is related to the mathematical areas cultivated at DIM (see the webpage Our department is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty; candidates from minority groups, and particularly female candidates, are encouraged to apply.

Candidates are expected to present evidence of an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Duties include a moderate teaching load of five (5) one semester courses every two years at an undergraduate or graduate level. The official language of teaching is Spanish.

Applications should be submitted via email to and consist of the following documents (in PDF): curriculum vitae (in English or Spanish), a research statement (in English) including a selection of the three (3) most relevant publications, an outline of future research, and a teaching statement. Reception of applications will be acknowledged by email. Applicants should also ensure that three (3) or more recommendation letters by senior researchers reach the committee. These letters are to be sent by email to, mentioning as subject: Recommendation Letter for (name of the candidate). To ensure full consideration, all documents and recommendation letters should be received no later than March 15th, 2018.


Salary Information: Salary depends on the qualifications of the chosen candidate. At the level of Assistant Professor, the basic remuneration is approximately US$ 70.000 (before taxes and at current exchange rates). Additional salary can be obtained via research grants and/or contracts.

Research Funding: Basic support for research activity to department members is provided, which includes travel expenses. Government agencies run several research funding programs to further support their research activities, and candidates will be expected to apply.

-) 3 non-tenure track assistant professor positions at DIM, University of Chile

The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of Chile is offering three (3) non-tenure track assistant professor positions in Mathematics, starting preferably during the second half of 2018. Each position will last 2 years, renewable for up to 1 additional year subject to academic evaluation and availability of funds. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment (preferably awarded 2014 onwards). Applications in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged, but priority will be given to those candidates whose research is related to the mathematical areas cultivated at DIM (see the webpage Our department is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty; candidates from minority groups, and particularly female candidates, are encouraged to apply.

Candidates are expected to present evidence of an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Duties include a moderate teaching load of two (2) one semester courses per year at an undergraduate or graduate level. The official language of teaching is Spanish.

Applications should be submitted via email to and consist of the following documents (in PDF): curriculum vitae (in English or Spanish), a research statement (in English) including a selection of at most three (3) most relevant publications and an outline of future research, and a teaching statement. Reception of applications will be acknowledged by email. Applicants should also ensure that three (3) or more recommendation letters by senior researchers reach the committee. These letters are to be sent by email to, mentioning as subject: Recommendation Letter for (name of the candidate). To ensure full consideration, all documents and recommendation letters should be received no later than March 15th, 2018.



19 – 21 February 2018

Federation University Australia Room T127, T Building, Mt Helen Campus Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

An invitation is extended to all academics and students to the Variational Analysis Down Under Conference 2018, which will bring together mathematicians from around the world and locally to present their research on variational analysis and its applications to optimisation. The event is in honour of Professor Asen Dontchev’s 70th birthday. Asen has made significant contributions to optimisation and other fields of mathematics.

Keynote speakers:

•Prof Regina Burachik, University of South Australia

•Prof Asen Dontchev, University of Michigan

•Prof Lyudmila Polyakova, St Petersburg State University

•Prof Terry Rockafellar, University of Washington


To register please go to

WoMBaT2017 is the Second Workshop on Metric Bounds and Transversality: 30 November – 2 December 2017, RMIT University

WoMBaT 2017

Dates and Location

30 November – 2 December 2017, RMIT University (AGR room 8.9.66), Melbourne, see Location tab for more information. Note that the dates have changed slightly.

About the workshop

WoMBaT2017 is the Second Workshop on Metric Bounds and Transversality.

The topics of the workshop include error bounds, metric (sub) regularity, Aubin property and calmness, transversality of collections of sets, subdifferential characterisations and applications of these properties to estimating the convergence of fundamental optimisation algorithms.


Please register here for catering and talk information.

The workshop is sponsored by RMIT University and is free of charge.


Prof. Andrew Eberhard (RMIT University)
Dr Joanne Hall (RMIT University)
A/Prof. Alex Kruger (Federation University Australia)
Prof. Asha Rao (RMIT University)
Dr Vera Roshchina (RMIT University and Federation University Australia)
Dr Julien Ugon (Federation University Australia)

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