CTAC 2020 Computational Techniques & Applications Conference 30 Aug – 2 Sept 2020

The 20th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2020) will be held at UNSW Sydney from 30 August to 2 September, 2020.

Our aim is to conduct a high-quality conference on computational mathematics; scientific, technical and industrial applications; and high-performance computing.

Invited Speakers:

The special themes for the meeting will include:

  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Data assimilation
  • Optimisation
  • Inverse problems
  • Data science
  • Uncertainty quantification

CTAC is organised by the special interest group in computational techniques and applications of ANZIAM, the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Division of the Australian Mathematical Society. The meetings provide an interactive forum for researchers interested in the development and use of computational methods applied to engineering, scientific and other problems.


Two research positions at Monash University

Research Fellow in Numerical Analysis

Job No.: 602668

Location: Clayton campus

Employment Type: Full-time

Duration: 2-year Fixed-term appointment

Refer to


Remuneration: $ 69,401- $ 94,190 pa Level A / $ 99,147- $ 117,738 pa Level B (plus 17% superannuation)

  • Be inspired, every day
  • Calling researchers from Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis or Scientific Computing
  • Take your career in exciting, rewarding directions

Research Fellow in Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis

Job No.: 602667

Location: Clayton campus

Employment Type: Full-time

Refer to


Duration: 2 years fixed term appointment

Remuneration: $69,401 – $94,190 pa Level A / $99,147 – $117,738 pa Level B (plus 17% superannuation)

  • Be inspired, every day
  • Calling researchers from Mathematics, Physics or Engineering with a background in numerical methods for PDEs
  • Take your career in exciting, rewarding directions

PhD scholarship, the University of Newcastle.

Research Topic:  Mathematical analysis of a novel method of mineral fractionation
Brief Outline:  You will work as part of a team led by Associate Professor Jeff Hogan and Laureate Professor Kevin Galvin as part of the ARC 2020 Discovery Project “Enhanced fractionation of mineral particles according to density”. This is cross-disciplinary research involving the application of advanced mathematical techniques to a problem in particle separations, relevant to the resources industry.
Detailed Description:  In minerals processing, accurate resource assessment, plant design, and process assessment require knowledge of the mass distribution of the particles as a function of the particle density – the “washability data’’. The traditional sink-float method has traditionally been used to obtain the data, utilising a series of baths containing liquids of different densities. There are, however, significant health and environmental problems associated with the sink-float method, not least of which being that the heavy liquids used are toxic, environmentally hazardous, and costly. CI Galvin has developed new technologies for beneficiating particles in minerals processing, most notably the REFLUX™ Classifier used in gravity separation to separate particles according to their density using a water-based fractionation method. This project involves the development of an algorithm for the de-convolution of the fractionation data arising from the this new technology to produce accurate washability data at low cost and with dramatically reduced impact on human health and the environment. 
Eligibility Criteria:  Applicants must • have an excellent academic record in Honours in mathematics or a related discipline. Candidates with Masters by Research or Masters by Coursework degree are preferred. • have a strong mathematical background. • meet The University of Newcastle’s entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy, including English language requirements. • be willing to apply for internal and external travel grants and other available research support funding. • be willing to work in both theoretical and laboratory environments, reflecting the cross-disciplinary nature of the research. • be willing to travel to local and international research meetings. Expertise in one or more of the areas of Harmonic Analysis, Optimisation, Numerical Analysis or Signal Processing is desirable. Programming skills in MATLAB or Python are desirable. Women and applicants from under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Degree Type:  PhD only
Application procedure :  Applicants should send a cover letter (including a statement of research interests and suitability for the position, and contact details for two academic referees), academic transcripts, and CV to jeff.hogan@newcastle.edu.au Applications close 31 March 2020 or until the position is filled. 
Name of Supervisor:  Associate Professor Jeffrey Hogan
Expression of Interest deadline:  31 Mar 2020

WoMBaT 2019, Swinburne, December 2019

WoMBaT 2019

Key Information

The fourth Workshop on Metric Bounds and Transversality (WoMBaT2019) will be held on 8–10 December 2019 at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne.


Registration for WoMBaT 2019 is now open.

Confirmed international participants

  • Prof. Alexander Ioffe (Technion)
  • Prof. Marco López (University of Alicante and Federation University Australia)
  • Dr Kaiwen Meng (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China)
  • Dr Nir Sharon (Tel Aviv University)
  • Prof. Michel Théra (University of Limoges and Federation University Australia)

Tentative program

8 December (Sunday) – informal part, details to be confirmed
9-10 December – talks


Dr Nadia Sukhorukova, Swinburne University of Technology
Prof. Andrew Eberhard, RMIT University
Prof. Alex Kruger, Federation University Australia
Dr Vera Roshchina, UNSW Sydney
Dr Julien Ugon, Deakin University


Each year AMSI funds around 50 university students from AMSI Member universities across Australia to spend their summer holidays working on a research project with a supervisor.

Each Vacation Research Scholar experiences life as a researcher as they complete a project, write up their results and present to peers and supervisors at the VRS student conference AMSIConnect, held in Melbourne at the end of the summer.

Many universities encourage their students to participate in the AMSI Vacation Research Scholarship program to prepare for honours or PhD coursework.

For more information: https://vrs.amsi.org.au/about/


1 August – 14 September 2018

AMSI Summer School 2019

The AMSI Summer School 2019 program enables students to take up to 2 intensive honours-level subjects during the four-week residential school; however, it is highly recommended that students only nominate one course for credit/assessment. AMSI and The University of New South Wales are pleased to offer the following eight subjects.

Course Lecturer/s
An introduction on non-commutative functional analysis: Quantised Calculus Professor Fedor Sukochev, The University of New South Wales
Dr Galina Levitina, The University of New South Wales
Analytic Number Theory Dr Michael Coons, The University of Newcastle
Dynamical System: Models of Chaotic Dynamics Dr Andy Hammerlindl, Monash University
Optimisation Associate Professor Regina Burachik, The University of South Australia
Mathematics of Planet Earth Dr Shane Keating, The University of New South Wales
Associate Professor Lisa Alexander, The University of New South Wales
Models in Mathematical Biology Associate Professor Peter Kim, The University of Sydney
Mathematical Methods for Machine Learning Dr Zdravko Botev, The University of New South Wales
Stochastic Modelling Dr Giang Nguyen, The University of Adelaide
For more information, please visit https://ss.amsi.org.au/courses-lecturers/

AVOCADO: August 25-26

Analysis of Variations, Optimal Control, and Applications to Design and Operations
in Newcastle, sponsored by CARMA
August 25-26
Registration deadline August 10th
All are welcome to attend.
Register at
AVOCADO will bring together a diverse group of mathematicians working on problems
involving convex and nonconvex optimization, optimal control, operations research, fixed
point problems, dynamical systems, transversality, and everything in between!
Email abstracts to: scott.lindstrom@uon.edu.au

Positions at UNSW

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer

Job no: 494014
Work type: Fixed term / Full time
Location: Sydney, NSW
Categories: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney

  • One of Australia’s leading research & teaching universities
  • Dynamic campus life with a strong sense of community & inclusion
  • Enjoy a career that makes a difference by collaborating & learning from the best
  • Enjoy a flexible working environment that genuinely values work/life balance

At UNSW, we pride ourselves on being a workplace where the best people come to do their best work.

For more information, please visit:


Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC) 2018 is now open for registration

The  Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC) 2018 
will be held at Newcastle City Hall from  the 27th to 30th of  November 2018. 
It is now open for the registration and abstract submission. 

Important dates:
  • Early bird registration opening date: 8 May 2018
  • Early bird registration closing date: 27 October 2018
  • Registration closing date: 18 November 2018
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 4 November 2018
  • Conference welcome reception: Tuesday, 27 November (evening)
  • Conference: Wednesday, 28 November — Friday, 30 November
See the conference website for more information (invited speakers, etc.): https://carma.newcastle.edu.au/meetings/ctac2018/



PhD positions

2 PhD positions
Deakin University and Swinburne University

Project title

An optimisation-based framework for non-classical Chebyshev approximation (ARC discovery project DP180100602).


26,300 per year (tax free)


In this project you will work on extending classical results in approximation theory by developing a methodology that lies at the crossroads between analysis, algebra and geometry. The classical Chebyshev alternation theorem on polynomial approximation can be studied from many perspectives: as an optimisation problem, or as an algebraic one for example. It has been generalised in many directions, but several generalisations have remained elusive, for instance piecewise linear approximation. The aim of this project will be to tackle some of these directions by developing new techniques, but also by combining existing ones in a new way. You will work on these challenging topics with an international team of researchers with a variety of mathematical expertise.

For more information, please contact Dr Nadezda Sukhorukova at nsukhorukova@swin.edu.au.

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