Positions: RMIT’s School of Science. Applications close on Wednesday, 16th of February 2022

  • RMIT’s School of Science: contribute to the teaching and research growth within the Mathematical Sciences Discipline, in the School of Science and specifically within the fields of statistics and analytics.
  • 1 x Full time, ongoing appointment based in the City campus
  • Applications close on Wednesday, 16th of February 2022

About the Role

As a Statistics and Analytics Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, you will contribute to the School’s research efforts by producing high quality research publications, submitting competitive grant applications, and supervising research students in postgraduate research programs. In this role, you will maintain and advance your scholarly research and professional capabilities relevant to this discipline and actively promote the discipline by establishing and sustaining links with academic, industry, and professional communities. The expected roles the applicant could engage in are broad in scope, but we encourage applicants to apply if they have an interested further developing and\or have research experience within the areas of machine learning and\or data mining.

For more information, go to RMIT External website

Sofia Kovalevskaya

Kovalevskaya grants for Early Career Researchers to attend the upcoming the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Saint Petersburg

The Australian Mathematical Society is calling for applications to the Kovalevskaya grants scheme.

Kovalevskaya grants are aimed at early career mathematicians to support their attendance at the International Congress of Mathematicians, to be held in Saint Petersburg on 6-14 July, 2022.

Upon submission of receipts, each successful applicant will receive an amount of $1,500, to be used towards travel to and from Saint Petersburg. Additionally, the local organisers will waive registration fees, provide meals and accommodation in Saint-Petersburg for the duration of the congress, cover local transportation costs, and arrange for visa-free entrance into Russia.

For more information please refer to this file

PhD Scholarship at UniSA

Applications close 17th January.

A recent Australian Renewable Energy Agency funded project on improving the short-term forecasting capability for solar farms found that the economic benefit of the forecasting was independent of the forecast skill. This motivates research into exactly what is the value proposition for solar and wind farm forecasting, and how does one design the process for maximising value. You will be part of an international team examining this topic. This project will provide you with international and national research and industry contacts, an expert knowledge of electricity markets, and invaluable industrial mathematics skills. The team is led by Professor John Boland of UniSA, and includes Dr Merlinde Kay of UNSW, and Professors Philippe Lauret and Mathieu Davide of Universite de La Reunion, France.

For more information:


Alex Rubinov Memorial Oration 2021: please register

Alzheimer’s Disease:
New Approach for Early Indication by Voxel-(C)MARS –
Optimization and Operational Research in Big-Data of us Humans
Professor Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber

7:00 pm Thursday 9 December
via MS Teams
Each year a public oration is held to commemorate the life of Professor Alexander Rubinov and to celebrate his contribution to Federation University as founding Director of the Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation.

Click here to more details and registration instructions.

Please note that you have to register.

Open position as Researcher in Optimization at KTH, Sweden.

The project is focusing on Optimization for Smart and Sustainable Power Systems.

We are searching for a Researcher in Optimization for a project on Optimization for Smart and Sustainable Power Systems. The project is a collaboration between the departments of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. The project requires a PhD degree in a suitable field!

It’s a great opportunity to develop and apply advanced optimization techniques to important and challenging real-world applications, and to develop smart energy solutions.

More information and how to apply:


Four positions in mathematics that are now on the UniSA website

Applications close at 11:30pm on Monday 6 December, with interviews the week of Monday 13 December.

3 x continuing Teaching Research Lecturers (Academic Level B) in one or more of applied statistics, applied optimisation, classical applied mathematical modelling.

More here

1 x 12-month Teaching Focussed Lecturer (Academic Level A or B). Note that Level As don’t need a PhD to apply.

More here

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