AMSI Winter School 2017—Applications Now Open!
Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation
Special Interest Group of the AustMS
The 2017 Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation (CIAO) showcase and workshop are scheduled for Thursday 27 April. At Federation University Australia this is during the second week of the Easter break. The structure is going to be similar to the last year’s one.
The workshop is going to start at 9 am and run until 5 pm in T127, Mount Helen Campus, as previously. It is not going to be limited to optimisation. The idea is for various groups/directions within CIAO to present. If you are going to give a talk, please send the topic to me and Helen.
The showcase is scheduled in the Airport Lounge, T building during a one hour break in the workshop at 11 am. It is going to be launched by Leigh Sullivan, DVC RI. We are going to focus on the achievements in 2016. I hope to have the CIAO annual report printed by that time. CIAO groups/labs and individual researchers are going to bring their 2016 publications and also posters.
Please confirm your participation and bring your friends and colleagues.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Dear MoCaO members,
We now have the final results of the poll, regarding the change of status, and the elections of the group’s executive members for the upcoming two years.
1) Change of status:
Should the web administrator be added to the MoCaO executive:
Yes: 13 votes
No: 2 votes
Should the MoCaO executive committee include two co-chairs (one from Computational and one for Optimisation)
Yes : 14 votes
No: One vote
The status will therefore be changed in the following way:
“7. The Officers of the Group shall be a Chair, a co-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Webmaster, all of whom shall be Dual Members of the Group. The positions of Chair and co-Chair must comprise of one representative from the optimisation community and one for the computational mathematics community.
21. Nominations for any or all of the Offices and Seats to be filled may be made by any two Members who are entitled to vote at the ensuing election, provided that the persons nominated are entitled to vote at the ensuing election and that the nominations are received by the Returning Officer no later than November 30. Persons seeking for election to the positions of chair and co-chair must nominate the community (optimisation or computational mathematics) that they are seeking to represent.
25. The member that receives the highest number of votes for the positions of Chair (optimisation) or Chair (computational mathematics) will be declared elected as Chair with the runner up declared elected co-Chair. The Member who receives the highest number of votes for each of the Offices of Secretary, Treasurer and a Webmaster shall be declared elected, and those members who receive the (up to) two highest number of votes for Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall be declared elected. If two or fewer nominations are received for Ordinary Members then they shall be automatically elected. If the votes indicate a tie between two or more Members, the Returning Officer conducts a new ballot for which only these Members are nominated.”
2) Elections:
Jerome Droniou (computational mathematics): 10 votes
Alex Kruger (optimisation): 5 votes
Ordinary Executive members:
Bishnu Lamichhane: 5 votes
Yalchin Kaya: 4 votes
Vera Roschchina: 12 votes
Ian Turner: 5 votes
Julien Ugon: 4 votes
(Since there was only one candidate for the position of Treasurer, and one candidate for the position of Secretary, these positions are automatically filled).
According to these results and to the change of status above, the new executive committee, for the term 1st February 2017 to 31st January 2019, is
Chair (computational mathematics): Jerome Droniou
Co-chair (optimisation): Alex Kruger
Treasurer: Andrew Eberhard
Secretary: Regina Burachik
Webmaster: Vera Roshchina
Ordinary members: Bishnu Lamichhane and Ian Turner.
Best regards
The interim executives (J. Droniou, A. Eberhard, R. Burachik)
Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation
(A special interest group of AustMS)