MoCaO (Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation) is planning a new workshop for late 2021 which is sponsor by the ANU, UNSW and AMSI.
This workshop intends to bring together researchers from the areas of computation, optimisation, computing sciences and engineering interested in the cross- fertilization of ideas around the following theme:
Optimisation often faces unique issues when there is a need to efficiently compute. On the other hand, computational techniques at times utilise optimisation within their algorithms. Both areas fundamentally need to understand approximation in all its facets which is also fundamental to computation as are the associated notions of convergence. Indeed, recent research has blurred the boundaries between optimisation (continuous and discrete), computation and areas of computing science. The area of machine learning has crept into relevance everywhere. Recently research has turned to its use in computational techniques including the enhancement optimisation algorithms and the cycle of cross fertilization of ideas has continued to date.
Workshop Format
The workshop will be held online using Zoom and Spatial Chat (for formal and informal interactions). Depending on COVID restrictions, we may also have some hybrid participation via live gatherings at some regional locations (including the mathematics department at the ANU in Canberra). Further announcement will be made closer to the event.
Keynotes Speakers:
Some keynotes may present in person (streamed online) and others will engage totally online in a remote format. In addition to their keynote presentations, keynotes who will be invited to give an informal discussion session post presentation.
Prof Gerlind Plonka-Hoch (University of Goettingen, Germany)
Prof. Frances Kuo (UNSW)
Prof Stefan Wild (Argonne, USA)
Prof Stephen Wright (Wisconsin, USA)
Prof. Ian Turner (QUT)
Prof. Claudia Sagastizabal (IMECC-Unicamp and CEMEAI, Brazil)
Prof Martin Berggren (Umeå University, Sweden)
Local organising Committee
Prof. Andrew Eberhard (RMIT) andy.eberhard@rmit.edu.au
Prof. Stephen Roberts (ANU) stephen.roberts@anu.edu.au
Prof. Markus Hegland (ANU) markus.hegland@anu.edu.au
Dr. Lindon Roberts (ANU) lindon.roberts@anu.edu.au
Dr. Quoc Thong Le Gia (UNSW) qlegia@unsw.edu.au
Dr. Vera Roshchina (UNSW) v.roshchina@unsw.edu.au
Dr. Matthew Tam (UniMelb) matthew.tam@unimelb.edu.au
Dr. Nadia Sukhorukova (Swinburne) nsukhorukova@swin.edu.au
A/Prof. Guoyin Li (UNSW) g.li@unsw.edu.au
Dr. Julien Ugon julien.ugon@deakin.edu.au
Important dates:
Registration is Free and Now Open: ANU WICO event page
Workshop Dates: 22/11/2021 to 25/11/2021
Future Announcements and Grants:
We also wish to draw female participants attention to the possibility of applying for the WIMSIG Cheryl E. Praeger Travel Award (support for attending conferences/visiting collaborators) and/or the WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Awards (support for caring responsibilities while attending conferences/visiting collaborators).