Position at Academic Level B or C

We are recruiting for one new continuing position in the Dynamics, Modelling and Computation group in the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at The University of Adelaide as part of an exciting investment in the future of mathematics. Please would you pass on this information to anyone you think might be interested.

The role is a continuing balanced (teaching and research) position at Academic Level B or C. We’re looking for someone who can contribute to the School’s current research strengths in dynamics, modelling, and computation.

More info here:


You may be aware that The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia are about to merge to create a new Adelaide University. We’re currently developing a new suite of Bachelor, Honours, and Masters programs with a strong stream in applied mathematics. We anticipate that the applied mathematics group in the new School of Mathematical Sciences will have a strong culture in both research and teaching.

Applications close at 11:55pm on Thursday 13 June.