Rules of Procedure prior to the 2017 election
The Australian Mathematical Society (Inc.)
Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation Special Interest Group
Rules of Procedure
I – Introduction
1. The following Rules are to be read in conjunction with the constitution of the Australian Mathematical Society, in sequel to be referred to as the Society.
II – Name, Objects and Composition of the Group
2. The Group shall be called Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation, hereafter to be referred to as the Group.
3. The objectives of the Group shall be to:
(a) contribute to, and participate in, the national discussion of the mathematics underlying numerical techniques and optimisation;
(b) promote the application of computational techniques based on mathematical analysis in industry, agriculture and society in general in particular displaying mathematics as driver of technological innovation;
(c) discuss the significance of mathematics of computation and optimisation in a national (secondary and tertiary) curriculum in the STEM areas;
(d) foster inquiry and discussion of the role of mathematics in computational science and engineering in industry and society in general; and
(e) provide opportunities for mathematical numerical analysts and optimisers to network, share experiences and discuss current practices and research in the mathematics of computation and optimisation.
4. To further these objectives, the Group may, among other things:
(a) hold or participate in conferences, meetings, seminars, short courses, lectures and other events for members of, and visitors to, the Group.
(b) gather and provide information on current issues in numerical mathematics and optimisation in industry and education;
(c) sponsor joint activities with other bodies concerned with the areas covered by the Group;
(d) encourage the interaction of mathematicians, computer and computational scientists and engineers, thereby providing opportunities for informing the professional practice of both;
(e) assist with the dissemination of information on the impact of mathematics in computational science and industry;
(f) build and strengthen a sense of community for mathematicians interested in improving the involvement of numerical analysis and optimisation in Australian society.
5. The Group shall consist of two classes of Members, namely:
(a) Ordinary Members, who shall be those persons who are not members of the Society but who elect to pay an annual membership fee to the Group, the amount thereof to be equal to the Society’s annual reciprical membership subscription
(b) Dual Members, who shall be those members of the Society who request membership of the Group and who pay an annual capitation fee to the Group, to be determined from time to time by the Group.
III – Officers and Executive Committee
6. The Executive Committee of the Group shall consist of Members of the Group, with its composition subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8.
7. The Officers of the Group shall be a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be Dual Members of the Group.
8. The Executive Committee of the Group shall consist of:
• the Officers above mentioned,
• two further elected Members who shall be called Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee. At least half of the Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall be Dual Members of the Group.
• the President of the Society or the President’s nominee.
The Executive Committee is free to co-‐opt additional members, which may include the chairs of computational and optimisation groups of ANZIAM.
9. The Executive Committee shall manage the business of the Group and shall act to further the objectives of the Group.
10. The Executive Committee of the Group must seek approval from the Council of the Society for the annual budget and the financial arrangements for any major undertaking.
11. The Chair or the Chair’s nominee shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute quorum.
12. The Secretary shall keep a record of the activities of the Group and the Executive Committee, shall be responsible for the conduct of ballots, and shall do all such things for the use and service of the Group as appertains to this office, including the annual submission of a written report on the activities of the Group to both the Executive Committee of the Group and the Council of the Society.
13. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all funds on account of the Group and shall deposit the same in an interest bearing Society Account established in the name of the Group. Payments from this Account shall be made by cheques signed by the Treasurer and one other person nominated by the Committee. The Treasurer shall keep true accounts of the sums of money received and expended by the Group and shall annually submit a financial statement to both the Executive Committee of the Group and the Council of the Society. The annual financial statement shall be made available to any Member of the Group on request.
14. (a) All members of the Executive Committee shall act in an honorary capacity.
(b) The Group may, from time to time, invite distinguished mathematicians to act as (honorary) Patrons of the Group.
IV – Meetings
15. The Executive Committee of the Group shall organise as it sees fit such meetings, conferences and seminars in furtherance of the objects of the Group.
16. (a) Where fees are to be charged to cover expenses involved in the organisation and conduct of such meetings, conferences and seminars, Members of the Group may pay a discounted fee as determined by the Executive Committee.
(b) In matters relating to attendance at meetings the Group shall extend appropriate courtesies, as determined by the Executive Committee, to Honorary Members of the Society.
(c) In matters relating to publications of the Group, the Group shall extend
appropriate courtesies, as determined by the Executive Committee, to Institutional Members of the Society.
V – Ballots and Elections
17. Positions on the Executive Committee shall be declared vacant on January 31 of every second calendar year.
18. The Executive Committee of the Group shall be elected for a period of two years by members of the Group.
19. Such elections above mentioned shall be by postal or electronic ballot, the Returning Officer to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
20. The Returning Officer shall notify in writing each Member of the Group of the call for nominations for Officers and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee; this notification shall be given by October 31 of each election year.
21. Nominations for any or all of the Offices and Seats to be filled may be made by any two Members who are entitled to vote at the ensuing election, provided that the persons nominated are entitled to vote at the ensuing election and that the nominations are received by the Returning Officer no later than November 30.
22. Following the closure of nominations, the Returning Officer shall conduct a postal or electronic ballot which shall close by December 31.
23. Retiring Officers and Members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for reelection to any position on the incoming Executive Committee.
24. Each Member who is entitled to vote shall have just one vote in respect of each Office and each Seat to be filled.
25. The Member who receives the highest number of votes for each single Office shall be declared elected, and those members who receive the (up to) two highest number of votes for Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall be declared elected. If two or fewer nominations are received for Ordinary Members then they shall be automatically elected. If the votes indicate a tie between two or more Members, the Returning Office conducts a new ballot for which only these Members are nominated.
26. Persons elected as Officers or Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall take up their respective positions on February 1 of the year following the elections.
27. The Executive Committee shall decide whether to fill casual vacancies on the Committee should they occur. Such vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Committee or by official ballot subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8.
28. In the extraordinary case where no election of Officers or Ordinary Members to the Executive Committee has taken place when due, the Council of the Society shall intervene and take whatever action it deems appropriate.
VI – Amendment of Rules
29. Any question concerning an alteration of this set of Rules of Procedure shall be decided by special ballot restricted to Dual Members of the Group.