MOCAO lectures, July, 19

The last talk is tomorrow (11AM, AEST)

Speaker: Bruno F. Lourenço


Title: Facial reduction and applications



Conic linear programs (CLPs) are a far-reaching generalization of classical linear programs. However, general CLPs may suffer from certain theoretical illnesses that make them significantly more challenging to solve in comparison to LPs. 

In this context, facial reduction, a technique originally developed by Borwein and Wolkowicz, can be used to improve the theoretical properties of CLPs and make them more manageable.

In this lecture, we will present a basic overview of facial reduction together with a few applications and recent developments. 


Registration for urgent updates:

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


MOCAO lectures: July, 18

Dear MOCAO lectures participants.

All the videos will be available on our YouTube channel later, there will be an additional announcement.

Our next speaker (Thur, July 18, 11AM AEST) is Dr Isabelle Shankar.

Title: The dual of a convex body

Abstract: Duality in convex geometry arises naturally in optimization by asking a simple question: given a maximizer to a convex optimization problem, how can we certify that it is indeed optimal? This leads to the definition of normal cone and quickly after to the dual of a convex body, which is itself a convex body. We’ll discuss examples including polytopes and extend the theory to conic duality.


Registration for urgent updates:

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


MOCAO lectures: A/Prof Vera Roshchina, UNSW

Lectures on Convex Geometry

A/Prof Vera Roshchina, UNSW.

Monday, July, 15-Wednesday, July, 17, 11AM each day (AEST)

We go over the basics of facial structure of convex sets, starting with the finite dimensional setting. We review the tools that help study geometric properties of convex sets and to construct convex sets with desirable properties. We then focus on structured convex problems, predominantly those defined algebraically (through matrix and polynomial inequalities and representations). Finally, we review some properties and behaviours of convex sets that are specific to the infinite-dimensional setting. The fundamental mathematical ideas and phenomena will be contextualised in optimisation applications, including conic programming and projection methods.


Registration for urgent updates:

MOCAO lectures: time and speakers

We are pleased to announce the 2024 MoCaO Lectures in Computation and Optimisation. For 2024 we
are focusing on Geometry and Convexity in Computation. These one-hour lectures will be held each day, and all lectures will be broadcast via Zoom.

July 15-19, 2024, 11am-12 pm AEST (GMT+10) each day


A/Prof Vera Roshchina (University of New South Wales): July 15-17;

Dr Isabelle Shankar (Portland State University): July, 18;

A/Prof Bruno F. Lourenço (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan): July, 19.

The zoom link will be published on our website.


MOCAO list update

Dear MOCAO members. Please note that the list of MOCAO members has been updated (as per 2024).