Workshop on Metric Bounds and Transversality (WoMBaT 2016)
The meeting will be held in Melbourne (RMIT City Campus, room 8.9.66) on 24–25 November.
The topics of the workshop include error bounds, metric (sub) regularity, Aubin property and calmness, transversality of collections of sets, subdifferential characterisations and applications of these properties to estimating the convergence of fundamental optimisation algorithms. Our keynote speaker is Professor Marco López Cerdá from the University of Alicante, Spain, who is visiting Australia in November.
For more information and for the list of confirmed speakers please visit our web page http://www.wombat.rmitopt.org/ or contact the organisers directly.
Prof. Andrew Eberhard (RMIT University),
A/Prof. Alex Kruger (Federation University Australia),
Dr Vera Roshchina (RMIT University).