Alex Rubinov Memorial Oration Thursday 3 November 6.00pm

Each year Federation University holds an oration to commemorate the life of Prof Alex Rubinov to celebrate his contribution to the University as the founding Director of the Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation.

The annual Alex Rubinov Memorial Lecture 2016 will be held on Thursday 3rd November 2016 at 6.00pm in the Y016 Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Y Building, Mt Helen Campus. This year we are privileged to have Professor Nalini Joshi AO, from The University of Sydney presenting her oration titled “Symmetry from Geometry”.

All are welcome and please encourage any schools to send their students or staff. A light supper is served after the oration.
Please see the attached flyer for more information. RSVP to Helen Wade for catering purposes.

More information about Prof. Alex Rubinov

Posted on behalf of CIAO

Workshop on Metric Bounds and Transversality (WoMBaT 2016)

The meeting will be held in Melbourne (RMIT City Campus, room 8.9.66) on 24–25 November.

The topics of the workshop include error bounds, metric (sub) regularity, Aubin property and calmness, transversality of collections of sets, subdifferential characterisations and applications of these properties to estimating the convergence of fundamental optimisation algorithms. Our keynote speaker is Professor Marco López Cerdá from the University of Alicante, Spain, who is visiting Australia in November.

For more information and for the list of confirmed speakers please visit our web page or contact the organisers directly.

Prof. Andrew Eberhard (RMIT University),
A/Prof. Alex Kruger (Federation University Australia),
Dr Vera Roshchina (RMIT University).

Tenure track position in optimisation, University of Chile

The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of Chile is offering a tenure track position in Mathematics, starting preferably in March 2017. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment, and preferably not before January 2008. Candidates are required to have a doctoral degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, operations research or a related field, and to be active in research in subjects related to the optimization and equilibrium area at DIM, see:

Our department is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty; in particular, female candidates or candidates from minority groups are encouraged to apply.

Candidates are expected to present evidence of an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Duties include a moderate teaching load of five (5) one semester courses every two years at an undergraduate or graduate level. The official language for teaching is Spanish.

Applications should be submitted via email to and consist of the following documents (in PDF): curriculum vitae (in English or Spanish), a research statement (in English) including a selection of the three (3) most relevant publications and an outline of future research, and a teaching statement. Reception of applications will be acknowledged by email.

Applicants should also ensure that three (3) recommendation letters by senior researchers reach the committee. These letters are to be sent by email to, mentioning as subject: Recommendation Letter for (name of the candidate). To ensure full consideration, all documents and recommendation letters should be received no later than December 4th, 2016.


Additional Salary Information: Salary depends on the qualifications of the chosen candidate. At the level of Assistant Professor, the basic remuneration is approximately US$ 65.000 (before taxes and at current exchange rates). This salary does not include potential grants or research contracts. Members of the Department of Mathematical Engineering have access to a basal annual support for their research activities, of the order of US$ 10.000, including travel expenses and research collaborations.